Parents, families and carers are some of the most important influences on a child’s education. Positive parental engagement can and does significantly influence student academic attainment. When you are positively engaged in your child’s education, they are more likely to attend and perform better at school.
Effective parent and family engagement in education is more than just participation in school meetings and helping with fundraising. It is actively engaging with your child’s learning, both at home and at school. When schools and families work together, children do better and stay in school longer.
Berwick Chase Primary prides itself on the relationships developed with parents. Parents play a huge role in our school. It is through having strong connections with families that children’s learning and education thrives at Berwick Chase.
We have parents support reading, writing and spelling programs, work tirelessly organising fundraising events and stalls (i.e. Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day stalls), managing our vegetable gardens, acting on school council, and so much more. The time and effort parents put into Berwick Chase Primary to make it the community that it is, is greatly appreciated and the proof is in the kiddies!